Novitasari, 2016. “The Effect of Short Story Towards Students’ Vocabulary Mastery”. Undergraduate Thesis: English Education Program, Faculty of Teacher
Training and Education in Muhammadiyah University of Mataram.
The aim of
this research is to know whether the short story has effect toward the
students’ vocabulary mastery at the second year students of SMPN 3 Sanggar in
academic year 2015/2016. The population of this study is 32 students from the
second year students of SMPN 3 Sanggar. This study is kind of quantitative
research with quasi experimental design by using non equivalent control group design the writer took
32 students as sample that divided into two groups, 16 students in experimental
and 16 students in control group. Experimental group and control group were
treated differently. Where the experimental group was treated by using
vocabulary in short story and control group did not using short story. In collecting the data, this study used pre-test
and post-test as the data collection procedure. This
proved by figure of means group, the standard deviation and value of t-test is seen that the mean
score of experimental group is higher than the mean score of control group. It is proved by the t-test and compared with t-table, so
the result in t-test is 2,89 and t-table (0,05%) is 2,04 and (0,01 %) is 2,75. Based
on statistical analysis using t-test
showed that t-table 2,89
>t-table at
confidence level 0,05 (95%) and 2,89> 2.75 t-table at confidence level 0,01 (99%). Finally, the
writer concludes that the use of short story has positive effect of short story
toward students’ vocabulary mastery at the second year students of SMPN 3
Sanggar in academic year 2015/2016. It means the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was definitely accepted.
Keywords : The
Effect, Short Story, Vocabulary.
TITTLE PAGE....................................................................................................... i
APPROVAL SHEET............................................................................................ ii
ACCEPTANCE.................................................................................................... iii
MOTTO................................................................................................................. iv
DEDICATION....................................................................................................... v
DECLARATION.................................................................................................. vi
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT................................................................................. vii
ABSTRACT.................................................................................................... ix
TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................... xi
1.1. Background of the Study........................................................... 1
1.2.The Research Question................................................................ 7
1.3. The Purpose of The Study.......................................................... 7
1.4. The Significance of The Study................................................... 7
1.5. TheScope of The Study.............................................................. 8
1.6. The Hypothesis of The Study..................................................... 8
of Key Terms.............................................................. 8
2.1 Vocabulary.................................................................................. 10
2.1.1 Nature of
vocabulary.............................................................. 10
2.1.2 Concept of
vocabulay............................................................. 11
2.1.3 Technique and strategies in teaching vocabulary..................... 13
2.14 Types of vocabulary.................................................................. 15
2.2 Short Story.................................................................................. 17
2.2.1 Definition of short story.......................................................... 17
2.2.2 Short story in language learning.............................................. 19
2.2.3 The Elements of Short Story................................................... 20
2.2 4 Previous Study......................................................................... 24
3.1 Research Design ........................................................................ 27
3.2 Population and Sample............................................................... 28
3.2.1 Population................................................................................ 28
3.2.2Sample...................................................................................... 28
3.3 Data collection Procedure........................................................... 28
3.4 Method of Analyzing Data......................................................... 29
4.1 Research Finding........................................................................ 32
4.2 Discussion................................................................................... 36
5.1 Conclusion ............................................................................... 38
5.2 Suggestionss............................................................................. 38
This chapter presents the universal issues related this study which
consists of research background, research question, research objectives, significance
of the research, the scope of research, hypotheses and definitions of key
terms. Those are as follow:
1.1 Background of The Study
English with an international
language spoken by million of people all over the world either as the first or
second language. In Indonesia English is thought as the first foreign language
in junior high school. The role of English is very important, so people often
learn English regardless of what can they choose. Weather it is an academic
setting or in the world of work social in general. English is
not our national language and it is not easy to learn it.
Many learners find many problems in mastering English. One of the basic problem
is lack of vocabulary. Vocabulary is really important in mastering the English
four skills (speaking, listening, reading, and writing).
Vocabulary is the most important
material in foreign language teaching for students. Therefore, the teaching of English
vocabulary has a very essential role in enabling Indonesian students to master
English as their foreign language. English vocabulary mastery, in fact, it
has become a big
problem for most Indonesian students. If one does not have sufficient number of
vocabulary, they will not be able to communicate with their surroundings vocabulary is one of the important elements of Language proficiency
that becomes the basis of how well learners speak, write, listen and read. In
the past, vocabulary teaching and learning were often give little priority in
second language programs.(Richard, 2002). Whereas, without a good mastery of
vocabulary, learners may be discourage in making use of language learning
change around them such as watching English program, listening to the radio,
reading some kinds of English test, etc.
to Manser (1995), Vocabulary is the total number of words in a language. While
Morales (2004-2005) stated that vocabulary is a listing of the words used in
some enterprise. Furthermore, Ur (1996) in Hidayati (2007) stated that
vocabularies are the words that are taught in the foreign language. From the
opinions above, we can conclude that vocabulary is a listing of all words that
are taught in the foreign language. Vocabulary refers to the words we must
understand to communicate effectively.
teaching and learning English, vocabulary as an element of language is
considered as the most important factor in improving the mastery of four language
skills. They are not able to be mastered if students are still lacking of vocabulary.
The students cannot express their communicative needs (ideas, emotions, desires
and though) to someone clearly because of their sufficient vocabulary. Without vocabulary, we cannot express our idea
or understand the message. The students cannot read, speak, listen, and write
without understanding the meaning of words. Rivers in Nunan (1991: 117) stated that the
acquisition of an adequate vocabulary is essential for successful second
language use because without an extensive vocabulary, we will be unable to use
the structures and functions that we may have learned for comprehensible
The teacher of English, as a second language
should know very well how important vocabulary is. They know that students must
learn thousand of words the speakers or writers use in their speech or writing.
Fortunately, teachers and students agree that vocabulary is needed in learning
and teaching, and it is not less important than grammar, as Wilkins in Syam (1972)
stated that the fact is while language without grammar very little can be
conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed. So the English teacher
should be able to find out solution in vocabulary teaching by creating various
efficient and effective technique. Beside, that they should establish condition
that makes learning vocabulary occur within a reasonable period of time.
The teacher’s role in applying interesting
methods is one of the important factors in creating a good atmosphere in the
classroom activities. They should know how to improve the students’ interest
and student’s achievement during the class and know how to design materials
which are easy to be understood by the students. Teachers should be able to
develop any kind of material so that learning vocabulary will not become such
boring and monotonous thing. The teacher can enrich the students’ vocabulary
through short story.
(1998:14) stated that a crucial feature commonly identified with the short
story is its impression of unity since it can be read-in contrast to the
novel-in one sitting without interruption. Due to restriction of length, the
plot of the short story has to be highly selective, entailing an idiosyncratic
temporal dimension that usually focuses on one central moment of action.
Short story is one of the modern prose forms.
As literary work, story becomes an interesting thing for people to read and
talk. The function of story is to entertain and to enrich mental experience.
Story is talking about author expression to anything about life experience
concerning with human imagination. And the short stories encourage the students
to think about moral, social and philosophical.
To solve this problem, literature can be
alternative medium to improve student’s vocabulary. Collie and Slater (1987)
stated that there are many good reasons for using literature in the classroom.
Here are a few: (1). Literature in the classroom because their skills they
acquire in dealing with difficult or unknown language can be used outside the
class; (2) literature encourages interaction. Literature text can be helpful in
the language learning process because of the personal involvement, involves
discussion and sharing feelings or opinion; (3) literature expands language
awareness. Asking learners to examine sophisticated or non standard examples of
language (which can occur in literary texts), makes them more aware of the
norms of language use; (4) literature educates the whole person. By examining
values in literary in literary texts, teacher encourage learners to develop
attitudes towards them. These values and attitudes relate to the world outside
the classroom; (5) literature is motivating. Literature holds high status in
many cultures and countries. For this reason, students can fell a real sense of
achievement at understanding a piece of highly respected literature. Also,
literature is often more interesting than the text found in course books.
Based on the data of curriculum of SMPN 3 Sanggar,
the problem of the students in learning English is because of the lack of
vocabulary. They still have low score in learning vocabulary. The students are
lack of words meaning they are not able to understand the meaning of the words,
the usage of the words, the word formation and the word formation in English.
In this research, the researcher applied a
short story in the class when teaching English. The research treated the
students’ vocabulary through the word meaning, the word usage, the word
formation and the word grammar in short story. Furthermore, these activities is as one of the
language teaching , It is considered to be able to give students great motivation
from which they can enhance their vocabulary in English., And also it can give
contribution for the teachers to become a good motivator for their students.
This motivation fully plays a very important role to the willingness of the
students in studying English
Based on
the problems above, the teacher should develop a good teaching vocabulary to
enrich the students’ vocabulary. The Researcher Chooses the Title “The
Effect of Short Story toward Students’ Vocabulary Mastery: An Experimental
Study at Second Year Students of SMPN 3 Sanggar”
Many previous researches had been done by some researchers about
using short story they are:
First, Arasuli and et al (2009) Under Title “The Effect Of Short Story In
Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery a study at the second year students of
SMPN 7 Bengkulu. The objective of this research was to find out the differences
in students score and whether the students interest was improved or not, after
being conducted a treatment by uses short story and handbook.. The post – test
result showed that t count was bigger than the t-table (2.82 > 2.021). Thus,
the alternative hypothesis (H1) was accepted and the null hypothesis (Ho) was
rejected. In other words, there was a significant difference between the mean
score in the pre-test and the mean score in the post-test. It can be concluded
that the treatment of short story technique was effective in improving
students’ vocabulary mastery.
Second, Hatice Kübra et al (2014) entitled “The
effect of short stories on teaching vocabulary to very young learners (aged
3-4-year): A suggested common syllabus”. This study was carried out in a preschool in Ankara, Turkey and the
participants of the study were 28 preschoolers aged 3-4. The children were
chosen randomly and they were classified into two groups as the experimental
and the control groups. The units designed on and around short stories were
used just in the experimental group; in those units, songs, cartoons, realia
were also used to enhance the learning process; but the main focus was kept on
short stories and story-based activities. The same vocabulary items were also
used in the control group and it was aimed to teach those vocabulary items in
both groups in 7 weeks in this study. Pre and post tests were designed and
used, and permanence observations were carried out after the study to determine
the recall rate of the participants. At the end of the study, the results
showed that children in the experimental group could remember more vocabulary
items than the others since they learned them in a meaningful and enjoyable
short story-based context.
1.2 Research Question
Considering the background above,
the researcher formulated research question as follow:
“does the use of short story has effect toward the students Vocabulary Mastery at the second
year students of SMPN 3 SANGGAR in academic year
1.3 The Purposes of the Study
In the accordance with the problem
statements above, the purpose of the study is:
“To know whether the short Story has effect toward the students vocabulary mastery at the second year students of SMPN 3 SANGGAR In the academic year 2015/2016”
1.4 The Significance of The Study
This study can be
useful for teachers and students for learn, practice and improve their vocabulary
mastery by using short story.
For the teachers, it
can help them in teaching vocabulary mastery so they can make their students
enthusiastic in vocabulary class where all students give their good
participation for their friends that performed in front of the class.
For the students, it is
also expected that the students can find more interesting activity in vocabulary.
So, the students can improve their vocabulary ability by using short story,
because this technique gives them interest activity that can make them easier
to study.
1.5 The Scope of study
The writer focused on
the use of short story in teaching vocabulary mastery.
The research is done at
the second year students of SMPN 3 Sanggar in academic year 2015/2016.
1.6 Hypotesis
Based on the theoretical point of view the hypothesis of this research
can be formulated as follows:
The alternative hypothesis (Ha)
Reading short story has effect in teaching vocabulary
mastery at the second year students of SMPN 3 Sanggar in Academic year
The null hypothesis (H0)
Short story doesn’t have effect in teaching vocabulary
mastery at the second year students of SMPN 3 Sanggar in Academic year
1.7 Definition of Key Terms.
In order to avoid misunderstanding of some key terms used in this study,
it is important to explain them. Some key terms that the writer uses in this
study are:
The effect
Quire (1979: 159) stated that Effect is a result,
outcome of the action, the change produced by in action of course, result or
outcome and the ability of power to have notice able desired effect. The
American Heritage desk, (1981: 175) points of Effect: The power of capacity to
achieve a designed result.
Effect is the power of capacity to achieve a designed
result (The American Heritage desk, 1981: 175)
The effect in this study means the capacity for
achievement of students as result of behavior or a giving assignment activity
which can produce change that is can be positive or negative.
Short Story
Short Story: The restricted to the character and
situation concerns with creating a single, dynamic effect. Its length is
usually between 2000 and 1000 word (Moser, 1996: 2). Reading short story in
this study means the students will be read a short story that will be
stimulated their mind to think and imagination about something.
Evelyn hatch and Cerryl brown (1995: 1) stated that
Vocabulary is a list or set of words for a particular language or set of words
that individual speakers of language might use. Vocabulary: The word that teach
in the foreign language (Penny Ur, 1996: 60).
This chapter presents the universal issues correlated in this study,
which consists of Vocabulary in Learning English as Foreign Language, Concept
of Vocabulary, Technique and Strategies in Teaching Vocabulary, Types of
Vocabulary, Definition of reading, Type of Reading, Definition and
Characteristic of Short Story, The Strengths and Weakness of Short Story in
Teaching Vocabulary, and Previous Study. Those are as follow:
2.1 Vocabulary
Nature of Vocabulary
Vocabulary is one of the components of language. Vocabulary is the
collection of words that individual knows, Hatch and Brown (1995: 1) define
vocabulary as a list or set of words for a particular list or set of word that
individual speakers of language might use. Besides that Ur (1998: 60) adds that Vocabulary can be defined as the words
that the teachers teach in the foreign Language. Vocabulary is not only
sign or symbol for ideas but also a part of how to improve language skills in
the target language. The more vocabulary students learn the more ideas they
should have, so they can communicate by using their ideas more effectively.
Vocabulary is the key to student
understanding what is listened and read in school; and to communicate
successfully with other people. Vocabulary is a very important means to express our thoughts and
feeling, either in spoken or written form. Indeed, neither literature nor
language exists without vocabulary rightly says that words are the bricks with
which the poetry and the literature of the world have been built. It is mainly
through using words that we compose and express our thoughts to others.
Oxford learners pocket dictionary
by Martin (1980:461) defines vocabulary as (1). Total number of words in a
language; (2) Words known in a language; (3). List of words with their
meanings. Thus, In the Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary (1994.p.354), it is
state that vocabulary is: 1. All the words that a person knows or uses; 2. All
the words in a language; 3. List of words with their meaning.
The vocabulary for production in learning English as a foreign language
is different from that needed for recognition, Heaton (1943: 3) discusses the
different between production and recognition skill are production or productive
skill is strategies that activate one’s storage retrieving the words from
memory and then by using those words in appropriate situation. This productive
skill employs vocabulary. Namely words that students understand, can pronounce
correctly, and use them in speaking and writing. Recognition which also called
comprehension or reception is the skill to understand words and to store them,
that are words that students recognize and understand when to occur in a
context but which in reading and listening (Graves, 2000: 5).
2.1.2 Concept of Vocabulary
Vocabulary is simply the words that you know or you need to know when
reading and writing. Students should learn to decode vocabulary word through a
vocabulary building techniques such as context clause and word roots. If you have
limited vocabulary, of course limits your use of language. Your vocabulary is
all the words you understand and can be used in your reading, listening, and
speaking (Stahl and Gutlohn, 2006: 3).
As Stahl and Gutlohn (2006: 3) points out, “Vocabulary knowledge is
knowledge; the knowledge of a word not only implies a definition, but also
implies how that word fits into the world”. Vocabulary knowledge is not
something that can ever be fully mastered; it is something that expands and
deepens over the course of a lifetime. Instruction in vocabulary involves far
more than looking up words in a dictionary and using the words in a sentences.
Vocabulary is acquired incidentally through indirect exposure to words and
intentionally through explicit instruction in specific word and word-learning
strategies. According to graves (2000: 5), there are four components of an
effective vocabulary program:
1. Wide
or extensive independent reading to expand word knowledge.
2. Instruction
in specific words to enhance comprehension of texts containing those words.
3. Instruction
in independent word-learning strategies, and
4. Word
consciousness and word-play activities to motivate and enhance learning.
Building vocabulary is a key to develop reading, writing, verbal
expression, and in many ways. Vocabulary is keys to build analytical and
critical thinking. A person’s vocabulary skill can be measured in terms of
building receptive vocabulary (i.e. understanding) word and their expressive
vocabulary words. People can build their expressive vocabulary in two ways that
can be measured: the written words and their spoken vocabulary words. Without
building a large vocabulary, students cannot read, speak, write also listen
successfully (Graves, 2000: 5).
2.1.3 Technique and Strategies in Teaching Vocabulary
Vocabulary is important as the teaching of structure, then in this
section the writer will discuss some presentation techniques in vocabulary
teaching. Although, learning vocabulary is important to language process, it is
so difficult for student to learn vocabulary quickly. They need a long time to
learn it, because they do not know how to learn vocabulary easily and sometime
it makes them become lazy and confused (Graves, 2000: 7)
Ellise (1985: 103) explains some techniques to develop the vocabulary of
students in learning English quickly:
Preparing and monitoring vocabulary list.
Some of the learners try to keep the vocabulary in
Learning word in context
Some of the students just
picking out the vocabulary items from the context.
Practicing vocabulary
Various technique fall
under the heading. Putting word into different structure in order to drill oneself,
reading to reinforce vocabulary, repeating words to oneself. Beside the
students develop their own strategy to learn vocabulary, teachers also has
strategies to help the students dealing with unknown vocabulary.
There are also some
techniques for teaching vocabulary as explained by Nattiger in Fitria (2007:
11) as follows:
1. Context
clue .i.e. Technique for guessing vocabulary from context.
2. Word
morphology .i.e. Learner can be taught to extend their vocabulary by mixing and
matching word steam.
3. Total
physical response .i.e. in this technique, the target vocabulary items are
paired with relevant physical response.
4. Word
family. i.e. the technique can be developed to show how word family is
developed from single roots (example; part, partition, partly, partner,
participant, etc).
The materials for teaching English in junior high school should be made
motivating and interesting for student who learned English as a second
language. Therefore, a good teacher must have a kind of media, which increase
the motivation and the interest of student in learning the language. The media
will help the teacher in teaching the language and it will help students in
acquiring the language.
However, Honeyfied in Fitria (2007: 10) suggestion for teaching learner
strategies dealing with unknown vocabulary as follows:
1. Cloze
Some words have been taken
out the pieces of English. Try to suggest all and write them in the correct
place. If you are not sure with the words just make a guess.
2. Words
in context exercise
Work in small group to
find the meaning of words in italic by completing the question and exercise.
3. Context
enrichment exercise
This exercise will help to
direct your attention to the kind of information that a context may give you.
In the exercise there are three sentences each one is add with a little more
information. Each sentence has three possible definitions of the italic word.
On the basis of information in the sentences decided if the definition is
improbable, possible or probable write one of the lines of each definition.
2.1.4 Types of Vocabulary
Type of vocabulary items stated by Gorrel and Laird in Fitria (2007: 13)
as almost everyone has at least four basic of vocabulary items” they are as
1. Speaking
vocabulary. Some vocabularies which are spoken as the result of their listening
process but only consist of a view simple word.
2. Reading
vocabulary. Types of vocabulary which allow to people to know and to use
vocabulary little large speaking vocabulary.
3. Writing
vocabulary, which includes the word in speaking vocabulary, pus other words
that can call up. This stage is much larger than speaking and reading
4. Acquaintance
vocabulary, the large vocabulary include speaking vocabulary, reading
vocabulary and writing vocabulary it include also a considerable number of word
which the owner has been seen or heard before but does not do know about
his/her may remember about them so that he can usually guess heir meaning
Another type of vocabulary stated by:
1. Good
(1959: 634) puts forward that active vocabulary in the content and function
words of a language which are learned, so thoroughly they become a part of the
child’s. Passive vocabulary is word that is never or rarely used in person,
speaking, or writing but they readily understand in reading and listening.
2. Heaton
(1975: 41) suggested that the first task for the writer (task maker) of the
vocabulary test is to determine the degree to which he wishes to concentrate on
testing the student’s active or passive vocabulary. His text tasks in then to
decide whether the lexical items in the test should be taken from the spoken or
written language.
So the relation between
vocabulary and short story through there exist many methods and strategies of
teaching and developing students’ vocabulary, the importance of wide reading in
the growth of students’ vocabulary is critical (Nagy and Anderson, 1984) and in
that respect, the use of short stories can be the best way to achieve this
goal. The use of short stories has many benefits for EFL teachers and students.
Pathan and Al_Dersi (2013: 04-06) offer a list of such advantages for making reading
comprehension skill easy, Interesting and fun. Stories also play important role
in developing vocabulary of EFL learners. It is argued that students who read
widely have expansive vocabularies (blachowics and fisher, 2004). Brabham and
villaume (2002: 266) stated that ”A serious commitment to the decreasing gaps
in vocabulary and comprehension includes instruction that allows all students learn
and use strategies that will enable them to to discover and deepen
understandings of words during independent reading. by using short stories to
develop vocabulary of EFL learners, teachers have the benefit of teaching
vocabulary through context. Teaching vocabulary through context simply means to
look for clues in the sentences that might tell the reader something about the
meaning of the in question researchers have studied the impact of visual and
verbal clues on learning words in context. In this regart, walters (2006)
reported that improved reading comprehension resulted when 11 ESL students,
ranging image from 17 to 47, enrolled in an English language program were shown
strategies of how to derive meanings of unfamiliar words from context clues
2.2 Short Story
2.2.1. Definition of short story
A short
story is fictional work of prose that is shorter in length than a novel.
Edgar Allan Poe, in his essay "The Philosophy of Composition," said
that a short story should be read in one sitting, anywhere from a half hour to
two hours. In contemporary fiction, a short story can range from 1,000 to
20,000 words. Because of the shorter
length, a short story usually focuses on one plot, one main character (with a
few additional minor characters), and one central theme, whereas a novel can
tackle multiple plots and themes, with a variety of prominent characters. Short
stories also lend themselves more to experimentation — that is, using uncommon
prose styles or literary devices to tell the story. Such uncommon styles or
devices might get tedious and downright annoying, in a novel, but they may work
well in a short story.
Short story deals with important elements that build the story itself.
All of these elements take their own role to make the story sensible. They are
theme, plot, setting, character and point of view (Anderson: 1993 as cited in
Hansyar: 2005)
A short story refers to a work of
fiction that is usually within prose in narrative format. It tent to be less
complex than novels. Usually a short story focuses on only one incident, has a
single plot, a single setting, a small number of characters, and overs a short
period of time in Wikipedia (2007)
Moreover, short story has their origins in oral story telling tradition
and the prose anecdote, a switftly-sketchhed situation that comes rapidly to
its point. With the rise of comparatively realistic novel, the short story
evolved as a miniature, with some of its perfectly independent examples in the
tales of E. T. A. Hoffmann and Anton Chekhov.
The reason, that short stories are
the most suitable literary genre to use in English teaching due to its
shortness, is supported by Collie and Slater (1991: 196) when they list four
advantages of using short stories for language teachers. First, short stories
are practical as their length is long enough to cover entirely in one or two
class sessions. Second, short stories are not complicated for students to work
with on their own. Third, short stories
have a variety of choice for different interests and tastes. Finally, short
stories can be used with all levels (beginner to advance), all ages (young
learners to adults) and all classes. Pardede’s (2011) study at Christian
University of Indonesia revealed that the majority of English teachers training
students basically found short stories interesting to use both as materials for
self-enjoyment and of as components language skill classes. The findings
denoted that only 0.37% of the responses went into “Disagree” criterion; and
18.4%, “Neutral”. The other 81.5% went into the criteria of “Agree” and
“Strongly Agree”.
Many would-be short-story writers
fail to achieve their ambition of getting published because they don’t carry
out some simple research. They presume that all short stories are the same
because of their length which is... short! Or they make the mistake of assuming
that one woman’s magazine is very like another with, of course, the odd
difference here and there. As a matter of interest, I wonder if you’ve checked
in a newsagent’s recently to see which magazines still run short stories
nowadays? Sadly, some magazines have cut their fiction page. Luckily, the good
news is that others are expanding them and also running monthly fiction
specials with plenty of scope for good writing. There are also other magazines
which you might not have thought of or indeed known about, which also run short
stories (Sophie King 2008:12).
2.2.2 Short Story in Language learning
In language learning short story can be applied in four language skill:
listening, speaking, Reading and writing. In the curriculum, it helps to train
in the skill of reading, and perhaps a little in listening. Speaking and
writing. A students listens to literature read aloud by the teacher (or on records
or tapes) and to the discussion that literature always stimulates in the class.
He speaks when he act in plays, when he read poems and when he takes an active
part in discussion, because literature is interesting, he wants to talk about
it and it can provide plenty of interesting opportunities for writing too.
Literature doesn’t concentrate on a particular area of knowledge, as for
example does Chemistry or History language. Literature, we can say with some
reason, is concerned with all aspects of man and the universe in their
entirely. Certainly every work of literature is about something, often about
many things, and the more persons reads, the better stocked will his mind be
with knowledge is a complex conception, and the way it is acquired from
literature, in a number of ways. There are, for example, the facts that
actually encountered and explained in the work literature. There are also the
fact that people are implied to discover from other sources in other to
understand particular situations or problem that occur in literature. Which
comes to all sooner or later, that the facts worth knowing are not only the
answer to such question as: What are human being like? What can be expected of
them? Why do they behave as they do? How they get on together? What is my own
aim in life?
According to Sophie King (2008:41) there are some resources to choose or
to find a short story, such as; news paper, magazine, internet, television and
2.2.3 The Element of Short Story
In longer forms of fiction, stories, tend to contain certain some core
elements of dramatic structure, but a short story will focus on only one
incident, has single plot, limited number of characters and covers a short
period time in Wikipedia (2007), the dramatic structure are :
Exposition (the introduction of setting, situation, and
main characters). An initial incidental sets the story in motion.
Complication (the event that introduces the conflict):
complications arise, often due to mistakes made by the protagonist. The
protagonist faces some sort of crisis that causes them to change in some way.
Rising action, crisis (the decisive moment for the
protagonist and his commitment to a course of action.): Based on the change
they must settle the key conflict of the story in the climax.
Climax (the point highest interest in terms of the
conflict and the point with the most action);
Resolution (the point when the conflict is resolved);
and moral.
Because of their short length, short stories may or may not follow this pattern.
for example, modern short stories only occasionally have an exposition. More
typical, though, is an abrupt beginning, with the story starting in the middle
of the action. As with longer stories, plots of stories also have a climax,
crisis, or turning-point. However, the endings of many stories are abrupt and
open and may or may not have a moral or practical lesson.
Always make sure that your short
story fits the required length. Over or underwriting is one of the most common
reasons for stories being rejected. Fiction editors don’t always have time to
cut. Besides, if they’ve asked for 1,000 words, that’s what they want – no
matter how good you think your story is. Of course it’s hard to cut your work.
We all hate doing it. But the funny thing is that once you start, you often end
up with a story which is so much better because it ’s more concise and flows
more smoothly. Try it and see! Below are some guidelines on lengths for
different magazines. You’ll see that certain publications like Best, just run
one page stories of between 1,000 and 1,200 words. Others like The People’s
Friend might run to over 2,000 words (Sophie King 2008:16).
Traditional stories for children of
nursery and primary age. Think of a bedtime story nothing frightening, or disturbing,
please. A humor is always welcome, and we’ll also consider stories in verse.
Length? Somewhere between 500 and 700 words (Sophie King 2008:30).
Stories that shock or disgust or
upset because of their graphic content – be it sex, violence or substance
abuse. And avoid the story with a ‘twist in the tale’ that misleads or cheats.
Any twist has to be credible – and emotional. Readers like to have a chuckle or
a lump in the throat, at the end of a story or even both! But remember, they
prefer to laugh with people rather than at them. And they like to know how a
character feels, as well as what he, or she, is doing. Write from the heart as
well as the head – so that the emotion of the situation comes across strongly.
And the ending has to be satisfying.
Each chapter should deal with a
particular aspect, or incident, or scene in the story, moving it forward at a
good pace. Although there will naturally be some overlap, each chapter should
be more or less complete, ending on a high point to encourage the reader to go
on. Don’t jump around in short, quick, disjointed scenes. Give yourself a
chance to develop your characters and their relationships. Your final chapter
to the in statement should have a more powerful curtain, so the reader is
impatient to know what will happen next (Sophie King 2008:30).
Eka Rini (2011: 11) states the strength and Weakness of short story as
The strengths of short story
- Short Story motivated the students to learn vocabulary because
trough their abilities to increase their vocabularies. Were very curious
about the words that they could not guess so they motivated their selves
and group to learn vocabularies.
- Short Story is easy to understand especially by the children.
Because short story is simple and easy to use. When the students read
short story they felt enjoy because it was easy to understand.
- Short story kept the students interested and made the students
active in answering the questions.
- Short story improved the students’ vocabularies because they
will get new word when they read and memorize the meaning of the word in
their mind.
- Short story helps instruction to teach literary. Cultural and
higher order thinking aspects. Literature can help students to expand
their linguistic and cognitive skill, cultural knowledge.
- Timelines: The students just bought everywhere; it does not need
much time to read it.
- Creative opportunities: It encourages the students to creative
- Share media and can be as necessary to communicate as much of a
story as they care to tell.
2. The
weakness of Short story
a. Limited segmentation
b. Creative constraints
c. Poor reproduction
d. Cluttered environment
So, A short story is only one of many
narrative structures. We create narrative with
jokes, ballads, tales, novels, poems,
etc. A short story is a
work of fiction that is usually written in prose, often in narrative format.
Usually deals with a few characters and often concentrates on the creation of
the mood rather than the plot and a very short piece of prose fiction, much
more condensed than the average short story. In this case, the writer will use
the short story with titles of Bawang Merah Bawang Putih and Cinderella to know
it has effect toward the students’ vocabulary mastery especially at the second
year students of SMPN 3 Sanggar in academic year 2015/2016.
2.2.4 Previous Study
Many previous researches had been done by some researchers about using
short story they are:
First, Arasuli and et al (2009) Under Title “The Effect Of Short Story In
Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery a study at the second year students of
SMPN 7 Bengkulu. The objective of this research was to find out the differences
in students score and whether the students interest was improved or not, after
being conducted a treatment by uses short story and handbook. The instrument
was a vocabulary test. The result from short story was satisfying. The data
obtained from the pre-test and the post –test score were analyzed by using the
t-calculation. From the pre-test result, the t count was smaller than the t –
table (0.629 < 2.021). thus it meant that there was no significant
difference between the two groups. The post – test result showed that t count
was bigger than the t-table (2.82 > 2.021). Thus, the alternative hypothesis
(H1) was accepted and the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected. In other words,
there was a significant difference between the mean score in the pre-test and
the mean score in the post-test. It can be concluded that the treatment of
short story technique was effective in improving students’ vocabulary mastery.
Second, Hatice Kübra et al
(2014) under title “The effect of short stories on teaching vocabulary to very young learners
(aged 3-4-year): A suggested common syllabus”. This study was carried
out in a preschool in Ankara, Turkey and the participants of the study were 28
preschoolers aged 3-4. The children were chosen randomly and they were
classified into two groups as the experimental and the control groups. The
units designed on and around short stories were used just in the experimental
group; in those units, songs, cartoons, were also used to enhance the learning
process; but the main focus was kept on short stories and story-based
activities. The same vocabulary items were also used in the control group and
it was aimed to teach those vocabulary items in both groups in 7 weeks in this
study. Pre and post tests were designed and used, and permanence observations
were carried out after the study to determine the recall rate of the
participants. At the end of the study, the results showed that children in the
experimental group could remember more vocabulary items than the others since
they learned them in a meaningful and enjoyable short story-based context.
This chapter presents the universal issues correlated in this study,
which consists of Research Design, Population and Sample, Data collection
Procedure and Method of Analyzing Data. Those are as follow:
3.1 Research Design
The writer used Experimental Study as the research design. The
research design was quasi experimental research with “Nonequivalent Control Group Design” in which it is closely similar with
pretest-posttest control group design, but there is no randomization (Sugiono
2013: 79). The writer gave instruction to two groups. Group A was
treated by using reading short story while group B was taught without short
story. Both groups were given pre-test before treatment, and soon after the
treatment both group were given post-test to find out the effect of the
treatment. Here is a table of:
Table 3.1 Quasi Experimental Design
Pre –Test
Post –test
E : Experimental group
C : Control Group
Y1 : Pre-test
X : Treatment
Y2 : Post- Test
3.2 Population
and Sample
3.2.1 Population
The population is area of generalization
that consists of objects/subjects that have quality and characteristics that
determined by the researcher to learn and then take the conclusion (Sugiyono, 2010: 117).
The population of this research was all of students at the second year students
of SMPN 3 Sanggar in Academic Year
2015/2016 with the total number of population are 32 students where consist of
two classes. These were VIIIA consist of 16 students, VIIIB
consist of 16 students.
3.2.2 Sample
Samples are partially or
number and characteristics possessed by this population (Sugiyono, 2010: 118).
According to (Arikunto, 2010: 174), the sample is partially or representative of
the population studied. From that sense, sample in this study are some
individuals who have the same properties to be investigated and be able to
represent the entire population. The writer took all of the students at the
second year students of SMPN 3 Sanggar in academic year 2015/2016 as the
sample. The total numbers of sample are 32 students.
3.3 Data
collection Procedure
In gathering the data, the
writer gave pre-test, treatment and post-test to the students.
1. Pre-test
In the
beginning the writer gave the same pre-test to both groups. Pretest was aimed
to measure the students’ ability in vocabulary. In this test, the writer used
some short stories with titles “Bawang Merah and Bawang Putih” and “Cinderella”
because those stories have same idea or topic and the writer prepares 25
questions with multiple choices. Each correct answer is scored 4 and each wrong
answer is scored 0.
2. Treatment
treatment refers to treat the samples with reading short story. In this step
the writer gave different treatment to both groups. The writer used reading
short story to the students in experimental group, while to the control group
the writer used conventional method.
3. Post-test
test is given after the treatment. In this step the writer gave both groups
with the same test. In this test, the writer used some short stories with
titles “Bawang Merah and Bawang Putih” and “Cinderella” because those stories
have same idea or topic. Both of groups are given Vocabulary test with form of a
multiple choice test which consists of 25 items of question. The aim of this test
is to know short story has positive effect or not in teaching the students’
vocabulary mastery. This test is needed in computation of the t-test.
3.4 Method
of Analyzing Data
The writer used experimental research that describes
as quantitative degree. The data collected from the result of pre-test and
post-test. In calculating the students’ mean score of experimental group and
control group, the writer used the following formula:
To find the students’ mean score of experimental and
control group, used the following formula:
Mx = the mean
score of two group
x = the
students final score for experimental group
y = the
students final score for Control group
N = the number
of sample
To find out the
standard deviation of experimental group and control group. The formula of standard deviation as follow :
Find out the standart
deviation of experimental group, the formula as follows:
Where :
X= the students standard deviation for experimental
N= the number of sample
2.Find out the Standard
deviation of control group, the formula as follows:
Y= the students standard deviation for control group
N= the number of sample
The last, in the testing
the significance of two variables standard deviation by using the following
formula :
The mean score obtained through the above formula
is analyzed and interpreted. Family the writer computes the t-test of the two
mean score to know whether it is significant or not. Here is the formula:
Where :
Mx : Mean score of control
My : Mean score of
experimental group
N : Total numbers of the subject
X : The deviation of control group
Y : The deviation of experimental group
If t-test < t-table
in the significance of 0,05 (p=0,01), Ho is rejected. It means that the experimental groups have higher skill in writing than
control groups.
If t-test > t-table
in the significance level of 0,05 (p=0,01), Ho is accepted. It means that the
control groups have lower skill in writing than experimental groups (Arikunto, 2010: 354).
This chapter deals with the data analysis of the
effect of shorts story vocabulary mastery at the second year students of SMPN 3
Sanggar in academic year 2015/2016 in presenting the data analysis, the writer
used experimental and control group research design in analysis the data
4.1 Research Finding
The presentation of the result intends to answer
the problem of investigation appear or as
formulate in previous chapter that “Does the
used of short story have effect or not towards the students’ vocabulary mastery
at the second year students of SMPN 3 Sanggar in academic year 2015/2016?”
To find the solution of this problem, the writer intents to
analyze the data obtained from the students ‘ test result instead of any
other result of research The analysis of the data emphasized into intending to
determine whether the short story has effect or
not in vocabulary mastery helps students to write better and
The Students
Score of
Pre-Test And Post-Test.
The students’ scores
of pre-test
in two groups of respondent (Experimental
Group and Control
Table 4.1 The Result of Pre-Test and Post-Test Experimental group
Component’s Score
Square of the deviation score (X)2
Deviation score of pre-test and
post- test (X)1
Farika P. Sari
Ardilan Sari
Puspita U.
Heni A.
Fitri A.
Dedi Suwandi
Desi Eka
M. Memet
Table 4.2 The Result of Pre-Test and Post –Test Control group.
Component’s Score
Square of the deviation score (X)2
Deviation score of pre-test and
post- test (X)1
Laely F.
Dinda D.
Nurul A.
Mei L.
Dedi S.
Arif R.
Luki A.
Iis Karlina
C. The
Analysis of
Both Groups
of pre-test and post-test
of both groups, the mean
of both groups
be computed. It
be done by dividing
the total deviation scores of
each group
total sample of
each groups.
It can
be formulated
as follows:
The mean
of Experimental
getting the score deviation of pre-test and post-test, then the next step was
the calculation of mean score of the two groups. It can be formulated as
a. The calculation of mean score
1. The mean score of experimental group (Mx)
Mx =
Where :
Mx =
Mx =
Mx =
2. The mean score of control group (My)
My =
My =
My = 9,5
b. The computation of deviation
1. Square deviation of experimental group
So, ∑X = ∑x2 – (x)2
= 3732 -
X2 = 3732 -
X2 = 3732 – 3080.25
X2 = 651,75
2. Square deviation of control group
∑Y = ∑y2 – (y)2
Y2 = 1938–
Y2 = 1938-
Y2 = 1938 – 1444
Y2 = 494
The Calculation of T-test
After finding square
deviation, the result of data analysis score is calculated to the score of
t-test formula.
statistical analysis of the data obtained had been done, hence the discussion
of the result of the analysis come. In this case, the mean scores and the value
of t-test both groups had been interpreted. Interpreting the result of
analysis, first it was found out that the mean score of Experimental Group has
higher than the mean score of Control Group. There is 13,875 for Experimental
Group and 9,5 for Control Group. It indicates the using of short story has significant
effect of students’ vocabulary mastery. The different changes of score for both
groups because Experimental group has treated by using short story while
control group did not using short story.
the degree of freedom (df) that is used in this research have interpreted to
compare the two critical values; t-test and t-table. The degree
of freedom (df) of this research can get from formula: (Nx+Ny)-2, (16+16)-2=30.
So the degree of freedom (df) that the writer used is 30. Therefore, let us
checkup the t-table of 30, it is 2.04 for confidence level of 0.05 or
95%and 2.75 for confidence level of 0.01 or 99%.
The comparison between the t-test
and t-table
the comparison above, it is clear that the t-test has higher than the t-table.
It indicates that the degree of difference of the mean score is significant in
both confidence level 0.05 (95%) and 0.01 (99%), thus the writer would like to
state that this research is relevant with in relation to the use of reading
short story in teaching vocabulary.
on the analysis, it is clear that the Null hypothesis (H0) is rejected which
states: if t-test ≥t-table
at the confidence level of 0.05 (95%) and 0.01 (99%) in testing hypothesis
(chapter 3), H0: “Reading short story has no positive effect in teaching
vocabulary mastery” is rejected. As a result, the Alternative hypothesis is
the analysis and the interpretation of data eventually lead the writer to the
conclusion that the use of Short story has positive effect in teaching
vocabulary mastery for the second year students of SMPN 3 Sanggar in Academic
year 2015/2016 in English subject. It can be provided by the result of Experimental
Groups post-test which gets higher than the control Groups. In which, there was
it is accurate the use of Short Story will improve students’ ability in
mastering vocabulary and make students’ interest in teaching learning process.
A. Conclusion
Based on result of the study, it could be concluded
that the use of Short Story has an effect toward students’ vocabulary. Because
the result of this research shows that by using of Short Story students became
more active when they study. Then the result of the statistical analysis of
t-test in this research was 2,89. It was higher that critical values for
t-table in degree of freedom (df) 30 is 2,04 (0,05%) and 2,75 (0,01%). From this
fact, it was clear that mean score of pre-test and post-test has difference. It
means the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was definitely accepted. The use of Short
Story toward students’ vocabulary at second year students of SMPN 3 Sanggar has
B. Suggestion
As profright: .55pt; margin-top: 0cm; mso-add-space: auto; mso-layout-grid-align: none; mso-list: l40 level1 lfo40; text-align: justify; text-autospace: none; text-indent: -18.0pt;">
1. By applying
short story
in class really gives
new feeling n in learning English. They
to read short story
while they were
increasing their
vocabulary indirectly.
2. The teacher should vary his/her interest of teaching
in order to avoid monotonous situation.
3. The teacher should increase his/her
about English itself and
new technique of
4. Short stories are
in increasing
students’ vocabulary
mastery. The refer it
suggested to the teacher
to use it
try to develop
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